Tag: Meditation

Monday Mantra: The importance of “But” vs. “And” in your motivational quote

A motivational quote that’s easy to remember to help get you through hard times.

My Mindful March 2020 Intentions: Being present, making eco-friendly swaps and celebrating “luck”

Can you even have a March blog/social post without some kind of St. Patrick’s Day or Spring reference? No, definitely not. To my fellow Midwesterners who have been protected under puffy parkas and swaddled in […]

November Intentions

Hi, friends. It’s been a minute (172,800 minutes to be slightly more precise) since I shared my last monthly intentions. It’s hard for me to want to sit down and write when the weather is […]

July Intentions

I’ve never really formally set intentions for the month but something about having some time to myself on a rainy Monday evening (and the fact that we’re now officially halfway through the year) has me […]

My One Year Heal-iversary from EBV

It was Memorial Day weekend last year when I really started on this path down this healing journey. I went home to California for a wedding feeling a little under the weather but assumed it […]

Life is a Vinyasa and I’m Just Going with the Flow

In life, like in yoga, there is always a sequence set for you, a series of events to get you exactly where you need to be.

I Tried Six Meditation Apps So You Don’t Have To. This Is What I Found.

Starting an app-based meditation practice is easy. Picking the best app for you is hard. I’ve tested out some of the top 6 meditation apps to help you out. Click for more.

Alright, Universe, I’m Listening

I looked at the clock; 2:22PM. Remembering seeing a graphic I’d seen with the various meanings of repetitive numbers thanks to the tag team of the Universe + Instagram algorithm, I instantly Googled “repeating numbers.” […]

It’s OK to be Bored

I woke up in a frantic gotta-wake-up-gotta-get-the-day-started kind of mood. I had nothing in particular planned but I couldn’t help but feel like whatever I did, I didn’t have a second to waste. Almost instantly […]