Just because you’re working from home while social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t mean you don’t need to take a day off from work. In fact, it’s exactly why you should.

I took a mental health day today.

Despite the timing, it was not because of Cinco de Mayo festivities the day before. On the contrary, my fiancé and I split a beer and were in bed by 9:30 It was muy bueno.

I woke up this morning feeling a little claustrophobic in these same four walls. I’ve been getting out at least once a day for a walk/run and spending as much time as possible outside with the weather getting nicer, but this adventurous Sagittarius is getting antsyyyyy.

I’ve been doing the best I can to emotionally process all the feels in the confines of our home but I could feel something slipping.

My patience is dwindling, anxious thoughts creep in faster and hang out longer, coming back to feeling good is harder (where my Gabby B. fans?).

After now going to the Emergency Room but once, but twice for stress-induced panic attacks, I’m starting to understand that waiting until you hit the breaking point doesn’t save you time or energy, it costs you more in the long run trying to recover and then work to create your new normal.

So before that happened, I wanted to nip it in the bud and get back on track.

Luckily my fiancé had the day off (and ample snacks ready) so we Googled a trail, grabbed our his and hers Brooks Cascadias and rolled out.

We spent the day on our own timeline, enjoying time in nature (on a day that was significantly easier than a weekend day to keep socially distant from others) and stuffing our faces with pizza and greasy burgers.

Now, after a day away from the “new normal,” my soul is truly renewed, refreshed and ready to roll.

Sure, the weekends are slower these days so it’s easier to go inward then, but mental health doesn’t care what day it is.

Anxious thoughts don’t wait for you to get off your conference call.

Depression doesn’t wait until the laundry is folded and put away.

Panic attacks don’t wait until after brunch.

If you can, take a mental health day before you think you need it. you may need it now more than you think.

Have you taken a mental health day for yourself this quarantine? What steps are you taking to prioritize your mental health while staying at home? If you need more wellness tips and inspiration, check out these recent blog posts below.

Thanks for stopping by.

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